Camel Cotton

Camel Cotton

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Easter in Kuwait

Well for the first time in our lives we had to work on Easter Sunday. Since we have to be at work at 0500 (5am for you non military type) we thought we would have a sunrise service of our own at our prespective job sites. However, sunrise never came because it was cloudy all day. We still managed to worship in our own way and we hope each one of you did too.

Easter time in Kuwait is funny because in all the stores you see baskets, bunnies, eggs and candy just like you would in the States. I guess you have businessmen all over the world chasing that dollar or KD in Kuwait's case. A quick lesson in KD's. A Kuwait Dinar is very strong against the US Dollar. It is basically 4-1 minus 20%! Confused? I am not, didn't take but a second to learn the money system and how to spend it. It takes 1,000 Fils to make a KD. Their coins (Fils) come in 10, 50 and 100. I was able to go to the store and pay with exact change for the first time, which was quite exciting.

The month of April has been busy for us. We are both working 12 hours per day and I am working 7 days per week, while BJ is slacking with 6 days per week. The sand storms have kicked up in strength by a notch. On the 17th we had a storm that went from a bright sunny sky to night time dark in 5 minutes. The wind was blowing very strong and a wall of sand just engulfed us. Yesterday we had another sand storm, but it was not nearly as bad. However, it did last a lot longer than the storm of the 17th.

The pictures of the storm will be posted so take a look at them and see what you think. Have a great week and we love you from the far side.

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