Camel Cotton

Camel Cotton

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Heat...and the Wind...

Oh yeah, now THIS is what we came more of those sissy 100 degree days...anyone can handle that! This week has been a lovely collection of 120 degree days, added with strong winds of 30 mph yesterday and 25 mph the day before. It's only blowing at 10mph today, so it's a good day. I shouldn't complain, don't people pay big money for exfoliating treatments at spas? I am getting a complete sandblasting for FREE every day. However, unlike spas, my treatments are not actually doing good things to my hair or my face complexion...and it is always nice to get home at the end of the day and have to clean the sand out of your ears.

Now I know I seriously don't have a right to complain about this...and I'm really not complaining, I'm just trying to give y'all a visual so you can see what we are experiencing. But since I only deal with this when going to the bathroom or out to lunch I can't say is my amazing husband that works out in it all day for 12 hours, 6 days a week. I don't know how he does it...I couldn't. And I wouldn't. We all know I am a Princess, and I would simply collapse in the fetal position - sweating, whining and crying until BJ told me I didn't have to work anymore. Thank the Good Lord in Heaven that I managed to get an office position over here. :-)

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