Camel Cotton

Camel Cotton

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The First Month in Kuwait

Well, we have been so-so about keeping everyone updated on our progress in Kuwait. We are hoping that with the creation of this blog, we will have created a central database for updates on our activites and adventures in the Middle East. Also, HOPEFULLY we will be able to get more pictures to everyone!! Our internet connection at the apartment is soooo slow that we haven't been able to get more than one or two pictures to upload before the entire system crashes.

Some of this information will be repetitive for many of you, but we haven't been able to fill everyone in so bear with us. I will give a brief rundown of the first month in this posting. Then BJ and I will update periodically with what has happened that day or week.

THE BEGINNING: We headed out of Birmingham, Alabama on February 16th at 6:30 am. This meant we had to be at the airport by 5am. Being the true procrastinator that I am (have always been...probably will always be), I had only slept 3 hours in the previous 72 hours before the trip to the airport. I had also still not finished packing, which left my wonderful parents with a beautiful home littered with my piles of crap everywhere. I know, I don't know why they didn't kill me a long time ago either.

We arrived safe and sound in Kuwait at 6pm (Kuwait time) the 17th. We were taken to a hotel that night, then picked up and taken to our new home the next morning. We were now in our new home where we don't speak the language, don't have a car, don't know exactly where we are, etc. So we pretty much stuck close to home until we were picked up for orientation three days later.

Orientation lasted 3 days...our company does a really good job of trying to make the transition to life in the Middle East as easy as possible. On the 4th day we finally actually went to the army base (camp actually, but for ease of reference I will continue to call it a base...) for the first time. We work in a very large, tan, sandy desert environment.

We are pretty settled in now...I have replaced the sheets and comforter that we are provided with better thread-count Egyptian sheets and a down comforter, so all is well in the world. The rest of the apartment is great. We are located in an area with lots of restaurants close by, and we have an amazing view of the Persian Gulf.

We work a lot, so most of our time is spent getting ready for work, getting to work, being at work, and coming home from work. We are only awake for 1 1/2 to 2 hours each night, so we are doing a better job of time management with the limited amount of time that we have here.

Our off days are spent exploring the offerings of Kuwait...the first two weekends we were fortunate to have someone (wonderful, amazing people) that took us around and showed us the layout of the city and where the major attractions were. The next weekend we checked out the Friday Market (stay tuned to future Posts for the description of the Friday Market), and last weekend we drove out to the desert to take pictures of the camels. They are almost as tame as dogs here, they will run right up to your car and stick their heads inside if you aren't careful!!

It is starting to get hot already. We have had a week of 100+ temperatures...and it isn't even April yet! I will admit I am NOT going to get used to the heat here, so just know in advance that there will be plenty of whining in future Blog updates.

Take Care...more to come!!! We miss everyone, but we are doing well in our new home!!

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